
的 Northwest Power Act of 1980 created the Residential Exchange Program (REP), which is administered by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).

的 REP allows participating utilities to pass the benefits of the low-cost Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) to eligible residential, small farm and irrigation customers through credits on their power bills. 的 FCRPS is a series of hydroelectric dams along the Columbia River.

hg8868皇冠下载 and BPA are parties to a Settlement Implementation Agreement for the REP under BPA Contract No. 11PB-12464. 通过本协议, BPA provides REP benefits to hg8868皇冠下载, which passes the benefits on to its residential, small farm and irrigation customers in Idaho and Oregon.

客户负载资格指南 provides more information on the REP and REP eligibility.

Contact 客户服务 at 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151 with questions, or email bpacredit@precisionl.net.

BPA信贷利率变动- 1月1日生效. 1, 2024

For Idaho Residential, Small Farm and Irrigation Customers

有效的简. 1、2024年,BPA积分为0.每千瓦时3447美分.

For residential customers and small farm customers on Rate 表7 or 9, this credit is identified on your monthly bill as “Federal Columbia River 好处 Supplied by BPA.” 的 credit for irrigation customers on Rate Schedule 24 is limited to the first 222,000千瓦时每月.

Irrigation customers will continue to receive their credit via check in December of each year.

For Oregon Small Farm and Irrigation Customers

有效的简. 1、2024年,BPA积分为0.每千瓦时3766美分. For small farm customers on Rate 表7 or 9, this credit is identified on your monthly bill as “Federal Columbia River 好处 Supplied by BPA.”

的 credit for irrigation customers on Rate Schedule 24 is limited to the first 222,000千瓦时每月. Irrigation customers will continue to receive their credit via check in December of each year.


有效的简. 1、2024年,BPA积分为0.每千瓦时4992美分. 的 credit is limited to the first 1,000 kWh used during the billing period. This credit is identified on your monthly bill as “Federal Columbia River 好处 Supplied by BPA.”

For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151